Child marriages: where in the world are they still practiced and why are they not banned? (7 photos)

13 November 2024

In ancient times, child marriages were quite normal. For example, in Ancient Rome and Rus', girls and boys often got married at 12-15 years old.

Today, child marriages persist in patriarchal Muslim countries, as well as communities. In the quite Christian countries of South America and Africa, where 2/3 of all girls get married underage. Child marriages are also common among the Gypsies - especially the Kotlyar subethnic group.

In Iran, a 13-year-old girl, with the permission of an Islamic Sharia court, can easily become the wife of a 15-year-old boy. Here, it is believed that early marriages help avoid extramarital affairs. And this is despite the fact that you cannot drive a car or vote in elections in Iran until you are 18.

Early child marriages without a registry office are still quite common in Albania, Turkey, Georgia (up to 15%), as well as in emigrant or religious (for example, Mormon) communities in quite developed Canada, the USA, and Belgium. It is interesting that in Russia, too, under certain special circumstances and with the consent of parents, you can get married before the age of 16. For example, in case of pregnancy, a common child, or a threat to the life of one of the parties.

Early marriages are not uncommon among the Kotlyar Gypsies. However, the bride and groom are usually about the same age

Why do they persist and cannot be banned everywhere?

One of the main reasons is the poverty of the population. In countries with a high birth rate and a low standard of living, parents try to "unload" an extra girl into marriage as quickly as possible. So that the groom can feed her.

In the same India, about a third of all girls get married before the age of 18. And about a fifth - before the age of 15. And when the police detain their older husbands, such young wives are extremely indignant. And who will support us and the children now that the man has gone to prison?

But in India they try to marry young girls to much older men

The same gypsies marry their children very early, believing that this is how the youth will not have time to experience the sins of debauchery. And the families themselves will turn out to be very strong, with many children.

In patriarchal countries, early marriages are used to save the honor of the girl herself and her family. For example, if the daughter was abused.

Old traditions and customs are also at work here. For example, in Iraq, the notorious "Jafari Law" is constantly being discussed, according to which a girl can marry at the age of nine. The law was created with reference to the Hadith, according to which the Prophet Muhammad married his youngest wife Aisha when she was exactly nine years old.

Child marriages for cool clans are an opportunity to quickly establish economic or political alliances with other families, to conclude a long-term peace with opponents in the event of a protracted feud.

Child marriages are quite common in Iraq

In addition, as early as possible to marry off a daughter in conservative countries is also an opportunity to quickly receive a bride price. That is, a family in dire need can earn a good living. Pay off all the accumulated debts at once.

In those same poor African countries where there are not even proper primary schools in the villages, parents often do not understand at all why their daughters are hanging around doing nothing. And so they marry them off.

In some countries of the world, where religious radicals operate, as early as possible to marry off a daughter is a chance to save her from recruitment into the ranks of terrorists. Those who like to hunt young girls, turning them, for example, into obedient suicide bombers. Like the same odious Boko Haram group in the villages of northern Nigeria.

In war zones, like the same Asian Burma, girls are willingly married off by their parents to local field commanders. More or less providing themselves with a "roof" in the conditions of complete anarchy and constant military action in a hot spot.

Boko Haram really likes to kidnap unmarried schoolgirls for its own interests

However, early marriages have long been officially considered a dangerous evil. For example, childbirth here is fraught with danger, especially with a low level of medicine. And the young wife falls into complete totalitarian dependence on the all-powerful husband, who is often significantly older than his betrothed. Which certainly does not come without consequences for the physical and mental health of the girl....

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