A zoo with beggars in cages (5 photos)

10 July 2024

A dubious case in China - people there were put in cages because they were beggars, and they interfered with other people's rest. But the best part was that it was all presented as a human zoo.

Well, at least they made an awning for the shade, humanism...

No matter how you describe it, it sounds very ugly, but the intentions of the organizers of such a zoo with beggars were good. And you know where the road is laid out with good intentions.

How did cages for beggars appear?

They were installed by organizers of an annual religious festival in Nanchang in southern China, where thousands of people gather. And in previous times, beggars specially flocked to the festival in order to influence the emotions of visitors and force them to fork out with their pitiful requests.

Thank you for having big red lettering, and also bowls for change on the outside.

In China, they are trying to stop begging, but it is still a very profitable business. Only the Chinese tradition of begging is much more aggressive, beggars pester with personal requests, asking openly for money (not food). That is, more annoying.

And the festival organizers decided to protect guests from negativity. They said that beggars could be at the festival, but if they wanted to ask for money, they would only sit in a separate fenced area.

Remember when I talked about this incredibly talented actor in the role of a beggar, who was fed out of pity?

Which suddenly looked like animal cages! Moreover, they are quite low, where even an adult cannot stand up to his full height.

They held notes with requests and links where they could transfer money. Such a sight - a man sitting in a cage - touched the hearts of people, especially if mothers entered the cage with their children. Therefore, on that day of donations, the beggars earned a lot (which is what they sought).

But people come up on their own, no need to chase them

Everything is completely voluntary

The administration, as well as some visitors, say that the beggars entered the cages of their own free will. True, the second option turned out to be expulsion from the city during the festival.

On the other hand, if they went to beg for money, then they have no problem giving up even this grain of their own dignity, equating themselves to an animal in a zoo.

But you can spend time with your family without getting tired in the heat.

The word “voluntary” did not reassure human rights activists. Because someone brought human cages here intentionally, which means they initially wanted to turn them into exhibits of a human zoo.

It really looks like public humiliation, and I don’t understand how this idea wasn’t nipped in the bud during the preparation for the holiday. Judging by the fact that they didn’t repeat this anywhere else, the local authorities were later given a lot of credit by the higher authorities.

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