A girl was searching for recipes on the Internet and accidentally found a video of herself having sex (4 photos)
Natalie Brown is an ordinary 39-year-old girl from Scotland. She has a classic job, a standard set of hobbies, including cooking. One day, the girl wanted to cook something unusual and began looking for recipes online. This changed her life forever.
And apparently, the process was so addictive that she somehow ended up on a pornographic site. After just a couple of clicks, the girl fell into a tab with a video in which she recognized herself with horror. Moreover, the site the girl ended up on was a social network for people with strange sexual fetishes. Therefore, finding a video with your participation there is probably even more unpleasant.
The girl's face is not visible in the video, and the porn itself lasts literally a few seconds, but Natalie Brown was still outraged to the depths of her soul and wanted revenge. She very soon realized how a video with her participation could end up on the Internet. For example, one of the girl's ex-boyfriends once asked her to blindfold herself before sex. The girl thought that he wanted to surprise her and could not even imagine that the guy was recording their sex on camera all this time.
The girl went to court and soon the man who filmed the porn with her participation was arrested. At first, he stubbornly denied his guilt, but when the investigator outlined his prospects and offered to withdraw one of the charges in exchange for admitting guilt, the man immediately backed down. He confessed to the crime, offered his sincere apologies and promised not to do it again.
In exchange, he was found guilty of distributing pornography and given a 4-month suspended sentence. And this is the best outcome, since before that, the man was also accused of voyeurism, which could have led to his real imprisonment.
And the conclusions here are simple: do not have sex with your eyes closed. At least, you shouldn't do this with a person you don't know very well yet. It may end up with you one day, while searching for the perfect pancake recipe, landing on a fetishist portal where you stumble upon a video of yourself. Not the most rosy prospect.
It is also important to remember that filming sex with your partner on camera may already be grounds for initiating a criminal case. Although it is extremely unlikely, producing pornography is punishable in our country.
And even though nothing terrible will most likely happen, it is advisable not to brag about your "home videos" with others and not to upload them to the Internet. Especially without your partner's knowledge. This is already a full-fledged distribution of pornography. And for this you can get a fine. And if the girl also goes to court, then there is a chance of leaving for not the warmest climes.