The owner of the Alabai who dragged the animal along the road faces criminal liability (1 photo + 4 videos)

11 May 2024

The woman tied her dog to the trunk and started driving. In the footage, you can see how a Krasnoyarsk woman is driving along a busy road, and an Alabai is running behind the car, who, out of breath, is trying to keep up with the car. An eyewitness told police what she saw.

On the way, caring people blocked her road and tried to explain that she CAN’T DO THIS! But it seems to exist in its own universe...

The dog's name is Sarmat. He was x-rayed and referred to a specialist to solve problems with his paw.

Volunteers and animal rights activists ask you to give the dog to them. Many shelters have already expressed a desire to adopt the dog. Irina, who gave the sick animal a hell of a run, told eyewitnesses that she wanted to euthanize the pet.

An employee of the dog training center shared a video from a class where the same dog was present. According to the girl, the grandson of the woman who was dragging the dog along the road beats him.

“There was a boy of about 14-15 years old, unbalanced, hysterical, he beat him right in class, responded to comments with aggression. We talked with his grandmother (the woman in the video), offered to take the dog and place it - she refused, offered to buy it - also a refusal. Very I feel sorry for the dog, the dog is good and good-natured,” the dog handler wrote.

3 years ago this Alabai was beaten and treated cruelly

The woman said that the handsome man’s name is Sarmat. His health is now in the hands of veterinarians. They took an x-ray and they are going to solve problems with his paw.

The careless housewife Irina is being checked by the police. And volunteers, animal rights activists and shelters ask you to give the dog to them. Irina herself admitted: giving a sick dog a hell of a run was a mistake. According to eyewitnesses, she wants to euthanize her pet

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