Americans had a wedding in a subway car

Category: Horrible video
27 October 2024

A man who couldn't afford a lavish wedding in New York decided to throw his beloved a celebration in the subway.

Daniel Jean, who proposed to his girlfriend Esme Valdez, sadly realized that a luxurious wedding was beyond his means. Then the New Yorker (USA) decided to conquer his bride not with luxury and throwing money around, but with originality.

So, he invited his beloved to go "underground", that is, to the city subway. The groom and bride entered one of the subway cars accompanied by 20 friends, exchanged vows there, drank to their marriage and even danced - and all this in front of complete strangers. However, random witnesses were kind and warm about the fact that they unexpectedly ended up at a wedding.

A little later, Esme shared her impressions of the celebration on the Internet. She really appreciated the originality of her chosen one's thinking, adding that she "chose the right guy." He is not only cheerful and creative, but also thrifty. In a life together (especially in the conditions of high prices of a big city) this will not be superfluous.

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