In Russia, a kindergarten graduation was held for the only child - the daughter of the head

Category: Horrible video
9 June 2024

She was told that the other children had caught chickenpox, so they didn’t come, but the reason was completely different.

Residents of the village of Vasyurinskaya realized that peaceful life in the kindergarten ended with the arrival of the new head of the institution. The lady could not win over either the parents of the students or the staff. She constantly clashed with her employees, and even drove one of them, a teacher with 20 years of experience, to dismissal. Teachers were deprived of bonuses and scolded for trifles. Parents got it too. They suddenly realized that they were now obliged to provide kindergarten for everyone. The financial extortions did not end there: money was constantly needed either for repairs, or for trips on excursions, or for photo shoots. Priests also frequented the kindergarten, apparently to improve the spiritual atmosphere. However, this did not help much, and on Easter the headmistress threw a colored egg at the teacher.

Graduation for kids heading off to school was the icing on the cake. The parents of the children in this group collected money, rented a playroom with animators, and organized a party for their children. Then, in retaliation, the manager decided to organize a holiday for her daughter. She forced the teachers to dress up in costumes of fairy-tale characters who entertained the little princess. Of course, the action was filmed on video so as not to deprive the child of beautiful memories. One can only guess how the kindergarten employees felt.

The education department of the Dinsky district administration told the publication “Podyom” that they would conduct an inspection and issue a reprimand to the head. Officials say that they knew nothing about conflicts with parents, because... No one complained to the council. And the graduation was held because everything was ready for it. Don't deprive the girl of the holiday.

“My parents didn’t inform me that they wouldn’t come, and in the end they didn’t come to the graduation. They expressed a desire to celebrate in another place. The prom was already ready, all the characters were there, they realized that the prom would not take place half an hour before it started. And the employees were all dressed, all ready, and therefore, as it were...”

Lyudmila Sirota, the head of the kindergarten, also denies conflicts with her parents. He says he has no idea why no one came to the party. Of course we believe.

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