A kindergarten teacher from Russia hung a girl from a fence

Category: Horrible video
31 May 2024

In Lukoyanov, Nizhny Novgorod region, the parents of a two-year-old girl contacted the police because of a video taken during a walk in a kindergarten. It shows how the child hangs on the fence for several minutes and cries, but the teacher does not react in any way. They do not rule out that the teacher could have done this intentionally.

As the girl’s father, Roman K., said, the incident occurred on April 17. A friend of the family saw the terrible picture on the kindergarten veranda, who subsequently sent them a video.

“This video was first sent to my mother. Then she forwarded it to her wife, she was shocked. I also looked, and there was such a picture that our child was hanging by his jacket on the fence for several minutes, a teacher was present in the frame, he saw everything perfectly, but did not pay any attention,” says a Nizhny Novgorod resident.

According to Roman, the author of the video said that she allegedly saw with her own eyes that this was done by the teacher himself.

“She saw how the teacher took the child and hung him on the fence. Naturally, I was shocked, didn’t immediately get my bearings and started filming,” explained the girl’s father.

The child’s mother, in a conversation with NewsNN, added that the parents immediately turned to the manager, showed the video and asked to sort everything out.

“The manager denied everything, said that this could not happen, that there was no beginning of the video, and that it was still necessary to prove that it was her. At the time of watching, the teacher “giggled,” tried to look as innocent as possible and referred to the fact that she allegedly simply didn’t notice,” says the Nizhny Novgorod resident.

According to the parents, the teachers are trying to justify themselves by saying that the girl allegedly could have hung on the fence herself. However, no one can explain how a two-year-old child could climb on it. It is also known that the kindergarten has external surveillance cameras, but the management refused to show them under various pretexts.

In the preschool institution itself, NewsNN explained that they do not see unprofessional behavior on the part of their teacher, but she has been suspended from work for now.

“We are conducting an internal investigation, this is being handled by the competent authorities. The person has worked for more than 20 years, has a higher education and the highest qualifications. In all 20 years, she has never raised her voice to a child and has not had a single disciplinary action,” said head Nina Davydova.

At the moment, the girl’s parents have filed a complaint with the police, and law enforcement will have to look into the situation. They also stated that they would no longer take the child to this kindergarten and would like the teacher to be banned from working with children in the future.

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