In Russia, a teacher attacked a schoolboy with his fists

Category: Horrible video
29 May 2024

And he got hit in the face by a student.

At Kemerovo school No. 16, a history and social studies teacher got into a fight with a 9th grade student. This happened a few days ago, the video appeared only now.

In the video, some hefty guys (these are 14-15 year old boys) calm down an enraged teacher, others are filming the “action” on their phones, and the third is lying on the floor. When they pulled the historian away from him, the schoolboy managed to hit him in the face several times.

At first the news was local and it was reported that on the same day the teacher resigned from the school by agreement of the parties. And then the video went viral and local authorities got involved. The Kemerovo administration stated that the teacher was allegedly not fired, but temporarily suspended from work:

The situation happened more than a week ago. Law enforcement agencies are investigating the incident. The teacher has been suspended from work until all circumstances are clarified.

If the police are dealing with the issue, then the teacher’s prospects may not be very good.

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