In Russia, a young gopnik took the phone from a schoolgirl

Category: Horrible video
29 May 2024

The police are already looking for the vile robber.

If robberies had a gradation according to the degree of meanness, then yesterday’s crime, in its baseness, would have taken first place there. The incident occurred in the suburbs of St. Petersburg, in the town of Koltushi. A local gopnik followed the schoolgirl, entered the elevator with her and took her phone. Local parents have a new phobia.

It is noted that the criminal first asked the girl the time and then asked her to call. When she refused, the robber snatched the phone from her hands and ran away.

It is noted that the crime occurred on the evening of April 11. The schoolgirl's mother has already filed a statement with the police. But the vile robber has not yet been found.

“Maybe someone will recognize this comrade who snatched the phone from my child’s hands. John of Kronstadt 5. 04/11/2024 at about 5:12 p.m.

Today my daughter was hurt, and tomorrow someone else, God forbid,” wrote the mother of the injured girl in the city community on Vkontakte.

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