The deputy director of the cadet corps knocked down a cadet during a lesson

Category: Horrible video
1 June 2024

The incident occurred on April 1 in the Timashevsky Cossack Cadet Corps (Krasnodar Territory). According to local media, the mathematics teacher and part-time deputy director of the educational institution, senior sergeant Vladimir Mamyrko, did not like the tone of the cadet with whom he answered at the blackboard. The man approached the teenager and delivered a powerful blow to the jaw, from which he fell to the floor and was barely able to rise to his feet. The guy eventually had to be escorted out of the office by the arm.

It is noted that attention began to be paid to the situation only yesterday, April 8, after a video of the beating was distributed on social networks. Until this moment, according to the parents of the cadets, the leadership of the educational institution tried, if not to hush up the incident, then to prevent wide publicity and a loud scandal. But it didn't work out.

Today it is known that Mamyrko was fired from the cadet corps, and the class teacher, educational psychologist and deputy director for educational work received reprimands. It is also known that the local Ministry of Education organized an on-site inspection with a school-wide parent meeting. The investigation after the publication of the scandalous video was also organized by the Investigative Committee, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutor's office. It is known that a complaint about the beatings has already been received by the police.

Deputy Director for Educational Work Lyudmila Krupko, meanwhile, told reporters that everything was fine with the injured child.

“The child is healthy, feeling well, he has no injuries, no doctors were contacted. V. Mamyrko was dismissed from the corps,” Krupko said.

Local media write that the Timashevsky Cossack Cadet Corps is one of the best cadet corps in Russia. And senior officer Vladimir Mamyrko previously even received gratitude from Ataman of the All-Russian Cossack Society Nikolai Doluda.


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