So I got you!: in Russia, a man pursued his offender for two years, trying to take revenge for a fight

Category: Horrible video
11 June 2024

He's not vindictive, just evil. And the man has a good memory, but this is not certain.

This story began in 2019, when its main character was 32 years old and lived in the village of Ust-Kem. One fine day, after drinking heavily, he decided to go to a rural recreation center. The man doesn’t remember what happened there, but the next morning he discovered bruises on his face. It’s a common thing in the village, but the comrade wanted to know who he was fighting with and why.

The villagers, who were also present at that same disco, told him the name of the offender. According to them, he beat him severely, but they found it difficult to name the reason for the fight. After the blows he received, the man felt bad, and over time, even worse. He was plagued by frequent headaches and insomnia. He did not stop drinking, over time he lost his job and even began to see a psychiatrist. The man blamed the same offender from the rural disco for all his troubles. He followed his pages on social networks and prepared a plan for revenge.

In November 2022, the vigilante came to his abuser’s work, sprayed him in the face with pepper spray and hit him in the head several times with a hammer. But this was not enough for complete satisfaction. Six months later, in May 2023, the stalker tracked down the “victim,” provoked an accident, and then, with the words “So I got you,” shot at the man with a gas pistol. When the victim tried to run away, the vigilante overtook him and stabbed him in the thigh with a hunting knife.

The attacker tried to escape in his car, but was stopped by police on the Krasnoyarsk-Yeniseisk highway. During the search, they found in his car, among other things, a sawn-off shotgun, which the accused had illegally converted from his hunting shotgun.

The victim, according to media reports, left scars on his face after the collision and required surgical intervention.

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