In Moscow, a man pushed a girl under an approaching train in the metro.

Category: Horrible video
17 April 2024

The incident occurred yesterday evening, March 13, at the Voykovskaya metro station. During the conflict, a man threw his friend from the platform under an approaching train, reports the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Irina Volk. As it turned out later, it was his girlfriend - the 39-year-old man decided to deal with her after she announced the breakup.

The footage shows that one of the eyewitnesses tried to stop the criminal, but was a little late. Fortunately, the driver made it in time. He applied the emergency brake and the electric train stopped a few meters from the girl thrown onto the track.

It is noted that one of the eyewitnesses did not allow the criminal to escape; the video shows how he ran after the attacker. The capital's prosecutor's office reported that the detainee will soon undergo a psychological and psychiatric examination. A criminal case has been initiated against him under Part 3 of Art. 30, part 1 art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Attempted murder”).

The media found out the details of the conflict between 39-year-old Anton and 29-year-old Anna. As it turned out, the detainee had been pursuing a girl for a long time, who did not reciprocate his feelings.

“Previously, Anton repeatedly harassed Anna, she contacted the police. Since there was no evidence of a crime, and persecution is not such, they could not help her.

He ran up from behind, grabbed her by the hood, pulled her towards the rails, she fell onto the platform, resisted, but he pushed her away with his hands and still threw her onto the rail. The driver managed to brake a split second before the tragedy. Anton was restrained by young people, passengers, thanks to which he was promptly taken to the police station. Passengers are heroes.

Anna more than once turned to Anton’s parents with a request not to let him go out in the evenings, when he could come to her and stalk her, but her parents did not attach any importance to this. They asked Anna to talk and feel sorry for Anton,” said a source familiar with the situation.

Judging by the story, 39-year-old Anton still lives with his parents, who look after him. Obviously he has mental problems. It is known that after the incident, poor Antoshka’s parents began to threaten Anna.

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