In Volgograd, teenagers brutally beat a man on a bus

Category: Horrible video
28 May 2024

The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case against teenagers who brutally beat a man on a bus in Volgograd. As eyewitnesses said, the conflict occurred due to a remark made by one of the passengers; he asked them to be quieter. After a verbal altercation, the teenagers attacked the 37-year-old man and began beating him furiously. Eyewitness footage shows that they dragged the already badly beaten man out of the salon onto the street and began to finish him off with their feet.

"We got on the 25th bus. We were going. A group of guys got on, there were a lot of them. A man in a yellow jacket asked them to be quiet because they were making noise. They started beating him with all their might, and then they threw him out into the street. First they trampled him him, and then they spat on me. I turned around and there was blood coming out of his mouth. We called the police and the ambulance. It was scary because they were coming towards us. I have never seen such cruelty in people,” said one of the bus passengers. .

It is reported that the incident occurred on April 1st on bus No. 25 at the Prospect Metallurgov stop. The injured passenger received multiple injuries; an ambulance was called, but he refused hospitalization.

It is noteworthy that after the incident on the bus, the same teenagers staged another fight with a passer-by on Shtemenko Street. According to eyewitnesses, they took money and bank cards from the second victim.

“The same freaks beat another man at 12 at night on Shtemenko, 31. I was away for 24 hours, my daughter was filming a video. They took the victim’s money and documents,” eyewitnesses said.

So far, a criminal case has been opened against the juvenile lawbreakers under the article of hooliganism. If the information about the theft of money is confirmed, then a more severe charge awaits them. The suspects have not yet been detained.

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