“They are still children”: teenagers caused a brawl in a Russian camp, and their parents urged not to punish young hooligans

Category: Horrible video
9 June 2024

The farewell party didn't go according to plan.

The teenagers had a good time in the Bashkir camp “Orlyonok”. There were 250 people there and several of them organized a pogrom. As the teacher reported:

We had an evening event, and later it turned out that this was the last event in our camp, that we were leaving home tomorrow. Everyone was, of course, shocked. Many, including me, became hysterical, sobbing, crying, and everyone was in bewilderment, of course, because they announced this to us very abruptly. Next there was supposed to be a disco, until 12 at night, as I know, and a farewell candle. They really wanted to give us a good evening, but, again, these guys decided to do it a little differently and ruin the evening for everyone.

They started pulling mattresses out of windows, breaking doors, creating complete chaos in buildings, most of them in our 10th building. We stayed at the disco for about 15 minutes, then everyone was sent to their rooms and for about the first two hours they didn’t even let anyone out to wash themselves, and anyone who wanted to go to bed couldn’t, because they were constantly coming into the room, checking on the children to see who had done what. . The next day there was an awards ceremony and something like a farewell candle, we danced a flash mob. But it’s very insulting to all the guys that everything turned out this way, that because of some individuals, now Belgorod children are bad for everyone, now we have such a stigma on our city. I’ll say right away that absolutely everyone, my girlfriends, friends, acquaintances, is very ashamed of them.

She added that the teenagers were not drunk - they just decided to show off.

No, no, all the actions were apparently carried out out of outrage about leaving. We were very strict about this, I don’t think anyone would have dared to bring in alcohol, especially since 100% would have noticed it immediately.

Apparently, the guys thought that they would not be punished for this, since they were leaving tomorrow, and the counselors, the director and deputy director, adults were no longer an authority for them in the camp. Therefore, apparently, they thought that they would go unpunished. And they decided to do this, destroy the camp, make a complete mess. It's all very sad.

The parents of the rowdies reached an agreement with the camp management. Apparently they will cover the damage. The father of one of them first promised to cut his son’s ears, and later said: “They are still children, even if they are 14 years old and hormones are already hitting their heads, there is no need to make them criminals.”

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