A lifetime for two: a child of Siamese twins (8 photos)

31 May 2024

One child for two: the story of the son of Siamese twins

The birth of a child is always a kind of lottery. And even healthy parents can give birth to children with a variety of disabilities, or even Siamese twins. Why this happens is still not known exactly.

What does a woman want to hear when planning a pregnancy? Of course, “congratulations, you are pregnant” from the doctor, after which preparations for childbirth begin, difficult pregnancy, and then help the child grow and give him everything possible. The formation of a child begins in the mother's womb and is usually one fetus. But there may be several fruits.

If the egg divides in half, this means twins. If two eggs are fertilized, twins will be born. Which, by the way, may not be at all similar to each other, unlike twins.

And the third, most tragic variant of multiple pregnancy is Siamese twins, which are considered a pathology. The egg usually begins to divide on the 9-10th day of pregnancy, but with pathology this process occurs later - on the 13-14th day.

The division occurs unevenly and therefore the embryos grow together with different parts of the body. This happens once every 50-100 thousand pregnancies. Today, thanks to technology and ultrasound, pathology can be tracked at an early stage and pregnancy can be terminated. Today, the birth of twins occurs in one case in 10 million, and their birth rate has seriously decreased. But still it happens and becomes a real sensation. The birth of Siamese twins occurs when it is impossible to terminate the pregnancy for medical reasons, or the pathology was missed, or... the parents were able to take such a step in the hope that the children will be able to be separated in the future.

Such twins can only be of the same sex, but they can grow together in different places. This could be the sacral area, the pelvic area affecting the spine, the head, abdomen, or chest area.

By the way, in recent years, cases of Siamese twins with two heads, but one body between them, have been discovered. Each of these cases is truly unique and their anatomy will greatly depend on where exactly the twins are fused and whether it is possible to separate them at all. Usually such twins do not live long, because their internal organs are not developed correctly and their health is severely compromised.

But there are also those who not only survive, but also achieve certain successes in life.

Blazek sisters

Mother with Josepha and Rosa

Their story began in the 19th century in the Czech Republic, which was then called Bohemia. Rose and Josepha were born in 1878 as conjoined twins conjoined at the sacrum. The parents were horrified, because their eldest daughter was completely healthy, and the pregnancy with girls passed without any complications. They were born in the village and there were even rumors that the mother was to blame for everything, they say, she looked at the cripples with curiosity. The local midwife advised simply not to feed the babies for a week. If they survive, then they will be so lucky, and if not... Well, well. The girls survived.

Despite the partial fusion, Rosa and Josepha were absolutely healthy. Of course, they studied at home, and at the same time they learned to play the piano, violin, harp, and even learned to dance beautifully.

People, of course, wanted to look at such unique girls and the parents thought about additional income. They, the whole family, moved to France, where their ultimate goal was to separate the girls with the help of surgeons. But, after all the research, it turned out that separation is simply impossible and very dangerous for Rosa and Josepha. Their genitals, anus and stomach were combined. The bladder, heart and uterus were separate.

The girls entered the local theater at the age of 14 and it instantly spread among the local residents. And as soon as Josepha and Rosa got their own agent, they became known throughout the world.

It is interesting that they were similar in appearance, but their characters were very different. Josepha was melancholic and quiet, while Rosa, on the contrary, was active and very cheerful. Despite such different characters, the girls adored each other and mutual understanding always reigned between them. The sisters, by the way, were often photographed, and their outfits were not always chaste.

It was Rosa who began a relationship with the German officer Franz Dvorak and the man loved Rosa so passionately that he was ready to marry her.

After all, in this case he will have two wives at once, and this is illegal. And Josepha, by the way, didn’t really like Franz and she didn’t want to attend their meetings at all. But Rosa was able to convince her sister and it soon became clear that the Blazek sisters were pregnant. Or rather, it was Rose who was pregnant, but Josepha also took part, so to speak, in the process.

Franz, unfortunately, was drafted into the First World War, where he died in battle.

In 1910, Rosa Blazek gave birth to a son. She gave birth in Prague and in an atmosphere of strict secrecy, the press was painfully besieging the women with its attention. The boy was named Franz and he was completely healthy, which was uncharacteristic for Siamese twins at that time. Rosa, by the way, despite the fleeting romances, all her life she loved only her Franz Dvorak. Josepha also once started a relationship, but her man died quite soon due to an appendix.

Rose really experienced the same happiness of motherhood, but now the sisters began to have problems with money. Due to pregnancy and the birth of Franz, the sisters were unable to perform for some time and the capacity dried up a little. The sisters didn’t think long - they made a new number with their son and went on a tour of Europe. Their next point was the conquest of the United States.

In 1921, the Blazeks moved to Chicago, but everything did not go according to plan.

Josepha contracted jaundice, and it was so severe that she fell into a coma and Rosa was in the same danger. The doctors decided to offer the sisters to separate their bodies, which would be a microscopic chance for them to escape. Rose did not agree; she and Josepha were one.

The Blazek sisters died a year after they arrived in the United States, 12 minutes apart. Franz inherited only $400, which is strange, because the sisters worked hard and well, but were unable to save anything. And even in those years this amount was quite modest.

Franz's fate remained unknown, and the sisters were buried by compassionate people at the Bohemian Cemetery in Chicago.

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