Cap Two - a two-headed giant mummy from Patagonia (11 photos + 1 video)

9 April 2024

Giant, and even two-headed - isn’t this a miracle?

Patagonia is truly an amazing, remote place. It is an area of vast lands, blue skies and high peaks, as well as untouched wilderness. And perhaps something very strange lived here.

The beauty of Patagonia

Cap Two is a two-headed giant cryptid native to Argentina that was discovered in the 17th century by Spanish sailors.

As with many other such creatures, there are many tales of its capture and life. It is believed that his mummified remains were brought to England in the 19th century and were displayed in various shows. However, recent research has cast doubt on the veracity of this information, and today most people believe that it was a hoax created through taxidermy and clever PR.

History of Cap Two

Mummy Cap-Two

The story of Cap Two appears most often in the British press of the 20th century. But there are also earlier records about this giant, which existed in the 17th-19th centuries. Translated from Malay, the name of this miracle means “two heads.”

It was British newspapers that became the starting point for the spread of stories about the two-headed Patagonian giant. Cap Two is about 3.7 meters tall, making him the largest humanoid creature.

The legend about this creature dates back to 1673. A giant man, more than 3.5 meters tall with two heads, was caught by Spanish sailors and taken to their ship. The Spaniards tied the giant to the mast, but before the sailors could bring the creature home, it broke free and was mortally wounded during the scuffle. The Spaniards pierced his heart after the monster playfully dealt with four of their comrades.

As in all such stories, Cap Two disappeared for almost two centuries. The following references were related to his mummified body. It was argued that the mummification process occurred naturally, without human intervention.

In 1900, Cap Two became one of the main figures in the circus of horrors, sweeping across England. In 1914 he settled at Birnbeck Pier in Weston.

Cap Two spent the next 45 years on display in the North Somerset area of England. It was eventually purchased by Lord Thomas Howard in 1959. Then Howard sold it.

It appears that the mummified two-headed giant passed from one owner to another like a relay baton. Until I ended up in Baltimore. Many people came to explore the strange remains. Most experts believe that this is a fake. But at the same time with certain contradictions.


Ferdinand Magellan

The Patagonians or Patagonian Giants were rumored to be humanoid giants who lived in areas of Argentina and Chile. They have always been described as being twice the height of a normal human and have been used for hundreds of years to describe the dangers associated with traveling to a new world.

The first mention of these people was received from the Portuguese Ferdinand Magellan. Fernand claimed to have seen giants while exploring the coast of South America. In the 1520s, he hoped to circumnavigate the world. One of the surviving members of that expedition, Antonio Pigafetta, wrote:

One day we suddenly saw on the shore of the port a naked man of gigantic stature, who was dancing, singing and throwing dust on his head. The captain general (Magellan) sent one of our people to the giant so that he would perform the same actions as a sign of peace. Having done this, the man led the giant to the island, where the captain-general was waiting. When the giant found himself in the presence of the captain-general and us, he was very amazed and began to make signs with one finger raised up, believing that we had come from heaven. He was so tall that we only reached his waist, and he was well built...

The mummy is housed in the Gerber Collection of Strange Things in Baltimore, Maryland.

These stories were confirmed by a Dutch captain almost 100 years later. Sebalt de Weert explored South America and the Falkland Islands in 1600. He and other members of his team claimed to have seen a race of giants on the coast. One account says that the Dutch were sailing through the Strait of Magellan when they came across strange-looking boars carrying giants with long hair and reddish-brown skin that were extremely aggressive.

So does Cap Two exist? Like many such creatures, there are many supporters and opponents of its truth. Some argue that it is simply the work of a skilled taxidermist, manufactured to create hype. But there are those who believe in the truth of the origin of the giant.

People who saw the body claim that there are no obvious signs of tampering. There is also information that students from Johns Hopkins University conducted magnetic resonance imaging of the body and concluded that it was real. Some claim that there are no signs of joints or seams on the body. In the 1930s, two doctors using radiology examined it and found no evidence that it was fake.

However, the main problem with the idea that Cap-Two is real is that it has an unclear and controversial origin. The fact that it has been used as an exhibit for many years in exhibitions and shows also undermines its credibility.

Poster from the middle of the last century

It makes sense that if Cap Two were real, researchers would be fighting to get it and put it on display in a museum. Serious efforts would be made to research its DNA and study its origins. However, for some reason this was never done. Which is strange. Accordingly, there is no concrete evidence that can confirm the reality of the mummy.

Still from the film "Jack the Giant Slayer"

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