Ralf Kruner - the man with elephant skin (6 photos)

27 May 2024

When nature has endowed you with elephant strength, wisdom or memory, that’s great. But some are less fortunate. And from the wise giants they received... skin.

Ralph Albert Kruner was born in Montpelier, Vermont in 1888. And it owed much of its revealing story to the long-discredited medical theory of maternal impression.

Ralph Albert Kruner

Maternal impression theory was once a popular phenomenon that attempted to explain the existence of birth defects and diseases. The theory stated that an emotional stimulus experienced by a pregnant woman could affect the development of the fetus. According to Ralph, his pregnant mother was injured by a charging group of elephants. Riotous circus elephants allegedly killed five people and injured two dozen more. Ralph's mother allegedly witnessed the bloody massacre and was so worried about this episode that four months later her son was born not with elastic skin, but with an elephant skin.

Ralph Albert Kruner

This entire story is, of course, a complete fabrication and taken almost verbatim from an advertisement associated with Joseph Merrick. When Ralph was born, Merrick was already living in a London hospital and had left his career as an artist far behind. Sir Frederick Treves, a physician and friend of Merrick's, published his book The Elephant Man and Other Memoirs in 1923, which was around the time Ralph began his 30-year career with the show.

Still from the 1980 film “The Elephant Man”

Ralph's condition was unique for his time and certainly did not resemble the ichthyosis (crocodile skin disease) that many other similar artists suffered from. Until recently, his condition remained a mystery, but modern research has shed light on his illness.

Dede Kosvara

More recently, an Indonesian fisherman named Dede Koswara has attracted public attention. He appeared to have a more severe version of Ralph's disease, likely exacerbated by decades of lack of medical care.

The reason for Dede's tree-like appearance was discovered by Dr. Gaspari of the University of Maryland. Medically speaking, he had nothing more than human papillomavirus (HPV), a fairly common infection that usually causes small warts to appear on the body. However, Dede had a rare genetic defect that interfered with his immune system, meaning his body was unable to keep the warts at bay.

It is possible that Ralph had a similar genetic disorder, but he managed to keep his condition under control through regular soaking in special solutions, skin treatment and treatment.

Ralph's fate after finishing his career remained unknown. Krooner died in 1952 in Tampa, Florida.

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