Woman films spider eating mouse
A US resident saw a large spider feasting on a dead mouse on her doorstep.
Megan Wallace from Austin, Texas, was leaving her home to take her three-year-old son to daycare. However, right outside the door, she was confronted with an unpleasant sight: a large spider was eating a dead mouse. At first, Wallace thought she had found dog feces and was angry with her neighbor. Realizing what was happening, the woman turned on her smartphone camera and filmed everything.
“After making sure my son was behind me, I surveyed the scene and realized that it was actually a nearly dead mouse with a huge wolf spider eating its head. There were little clumps of mouse fur all around, as if they had been fighting before,” Wallace said.
Texas arachnologist Ashley Wahlberg said it was a wolf spider from the genus Hogna, one of the largest living in the United States. She added that the spider could have been picking up another animal's prey, but most likely it had dealt with the mouse itself.