The diner employee took original revenge on the client

Category: Horrible video
31 July 2024

In the United States, there are kiosks where coffee is prepared and served by half-naked girls - this phenomenon is called “bikini barista”. At one of these establishments in Seattle, an employee had a dispute with a customer over the cost of coffee.

The customer, dissatisfied with the establishment's pricing, took his drinks and then threw them in the direction of the intractable diner employee. Judging by the video footage, the girl was ready for such a turn of events and struck the windshield of the car with a hammer.

The customer, upset at $22 for a coffee of about 950 ml and water of about 710 ml, asked for a refund of $5. When the employee, 23-year-old Emma Lee, refused, the customer offered to return the drinks to her in exchange for money. After the customer ignored further requests to leave, the barista promised to pour his order on him. The guy asked for the drinks back and said she could keep the money, but threw the drinks at the employee as soon as she gave them back. Lee responded by smashing the customer's windshield with a hammer.


According to an American catering worker, after threats were made in her direction and then drinks were poured out, she decided to take revenge on the dissatisfied client, and after he left, she called the police, who banned the young man from using the services of the establishment.

Emma Lee said the man was a regular customer and had previously complained about the cost of his orders.

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