In Russia, a kindergarten teacher pushed a baby

Category: Horrible video
28 May 2024

And its management wanted to solve the problem “without making it public.”

Yesterday, the Zhemchuzhinka teacher was cleaning the territory of the kindergarten. First, she swept away the trash from the sandbox, then went to the bench where the children were sitting. She kicked the boy sitting on the edge and did not help him get up.

A friend decided to film her child for her grandmother during a walk. Meanwhile, her child’s teacher is kicking her in the butt. With this video, she approached the head of the kindergarten, to which she was asked to solve this problem inside the kindergarten, without making it public. Since I have my own children, this is unacceptable for me. My children go to kindergarten, and I have confidence in my teachers and the director. And then they decided to hide such an incident,” said the indignant woman.

The head of the kindergarten said that she was aware of the incident, but declined to comment. The Yekaterinburg department and the police have already become involved in the case. The teacher will be checked and decided what to do with her.

Earlier in Yekaterinburg there was a similar incident with another teacher of an elite kindergarten. There, a lady practically knocked out a 2-year-old girl.

Then the mother of the beaten child found out about the incident and contacted the police. A criminal case was opened against the teacher under Articles 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Other violent actions that caused physical pain” and 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Improper performance of duties for the education of a minor by a teaching employee of an educational organization.”

The lady will face trial, and in the future, time in prison.

This was caught on video:

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