In the USA, a McDonalds employee shot at a customer's car

Category: Horrible video
10 July 2024

In the American town of Lakeland, a McDonald's employee had a fight with customers over a mixed up order. At some point, the girl went outside and shot at the car with clients.

Sometimes misunderstandings happen between restaurant employees and customers, but they certainly shouldn't end in gunfire.

However, this is exactly what happened at McDonald's in Lakeland (Florida, USA). Customers were very unhappy that their order was mixed up, and were especially unhappy with the behavior of 22-year-old employee Hassidy Gardner, who threw a glass of drink at them from the window. In retaliation, the clients themselves began to throw various objects, but they did not expect Hassidy to come out into the parking lot, and even with a gun in his hand. The woman managed to shoot at the car of the strangers who were driving away and even hit her - but, fortunately, only the car, and none of the people were hurt.

Hassidy is charged with aggravated assault with a firearm.

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