A video of a fight between a Russian tourist and Thai police has emerged

Category: Horrible video
6 June 2024

The brawler, by the way, was very lucky. He was understood, forgiven and does not face the delights of a Thai prison.

A crazy drunken brawl performed by a Russian tourist took place in Karon, Thailand on March 26. The entire local police and hotel staff were alerted, where 37-year-old Alexander Tolstov from Mezhdurechensk was staying with his wife.

First, the drunken big man started a fight with the hotel guests, and when the police arrived in response to the call, he decided to measure his strength with the law enforcement officers. The outcome of the confrontation was predictable - after he hit the policeman several times, he was neutralized with a stun gun in response.

Having received a sobering charge, Alexander was handcuffed and sent to the local monkey bar. There the brawler finally came to his senses and fully admitted his guilt. As a result, instead of three years in prison for attacking government officials, he was given a fine and deportation from the country.

As Alexander’s wife said, her husband started a fight while standing up for her. Allegedly, one of the guests pushed her, and her drunken husband did not react to this in the most appropriate way. But she did not explain why he started a fight with the police. It is known that a well-rested married couple will return to their native Mezhdurechensk, where two young children are waiting for them, on Saturday, April 6.

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