The impudent teenager hit the man several times for making a remark.

Category: Horrible video
29 May 2024

In Russia, Kemerovo, a 52-year-old man walked with his grandson past a playground and heard obscene language from teenagers. He made a remark, to which he received aggression. The 17-year-old boy wanted to fight with him and struck the man several blows to various parts of the body.

A subscriber to the Kuzbass Incident community spoke about the conflict:
The incident occurred on a playground in one of the parks on Stroiteley Boulevard. There were many children on the site, including the man’s little grandson, but this did not stop the “athlete” and he decided to sort it out on the spot. According to the children: it all started with a verbal altercation, when a man and his grandson walked past the young “athlete” and his friend and made a remark about obscene language near the children’s playground, to which they received insults in response. When the insults came in response to the “boxer,” he did not like it, and he decided to move “from words to deeds.” The video shows the end of the fight when passers-by intervened. The man's mouth was covered in blood.

The video contains profanity

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