In Russia, out of 7 people, only two survived (4 photos + 1 video)
Footage from a CCTV camera at the entrance to Ufa has appeared on the Internet. They show the moment of collision between a VAZ-2115 and a KAMAZ watering truck. There were 7 people in the car - 4 boys and 3 girls. At full speed, the car flew into a municipal vehicle. Five died on the spot, only two managed to survive - a 21-year-old girl and a 22-year-old guy.
Judging by the published footage, a VAZ was driving along a half-empty road at high speed, when suddenly a watering truck driving in front with emergency signals turned around.
According to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Republic, the 22-year-old owner of the car, Ilfat F., did not have a license or documents for the car. He has already been brought to administrative responsibility 4 times, but this did not lead to anything. A criminal case has been opened into the incident.