“It’s scary to pass by”: a crowd of gypsies staged a mass fight in Russia and local residents demanded that the perpetrators be punished

Category: Horrible video
11 May 2024

They also complain about begging from the Roma, and the head of the village asks them to “control themselves.”

The village of Kazanskaya, Krasnodar Territory, was originally Cossack. Then it became multinational, but everything was quiet and calm there. According to local reports, then gypsies began to come there en masse.

They are buying houses with state aid, 50 people live there, it’s scary to pass by,” said a local resident.

And recently a video of a mass brawl appeared online. According to an eyewitness:

As far as I know, the gypsy was cut off by the Hyundai, they had a verbal altercation, and the gypsy broke the driver's side window. And either with shards of glass, or when they had already gone outside, they hit the pregnant girl in the face. Well, it began. There are a whole bunch of gypsies, and the Armenians came for a showdown. There was a fight, a scuffle, and slippers all over Krasnaya.

Locals are not delighted with such events, so they came to the head of the locality, Elena Shilk, with questions. According to the official, people of more than 40 nationalities live in the village and asked alarmed residents to remain calm.

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