A tourist exposed herself at the airport in the Philippines (3 photos + 1 video)

5 July 2024

A Vietnamese traveler stripped off at Ninoy Aquino International Airport when she was asked to pay for an overstayed visa.

The incident involving a tourist occurred on June 8 at the airport in Manila, Philippines. Thutrang Nguyen, 34, was on her way to Hanoi, Vietnam, when she took off all her clothes.

A woman was arguing about whether she should pay to leave the country. She then went to the toilet, and a few minutes later appeared in the "Eve costume".

"We don't know why she did it," said airport police officer Michael Ronald de Guzman. "The woman was supposed to fly to Hanoi, but she didn't get through passport control and had problems with her visa."

The guards stopped Nguyen and gave her clothes, as well as food and drinks. Media reports called her "upset," "worried" and "furious."

“She seemed irritated because she couldn’t communicate in Tagalog and didn’t speak English well,” explained deputy security chief Manuel Sequitin. “She only knew Vietnamese, so we communicated with her through Google Translate.”

The passenger underwent a medical examination and paid the debt for exceeding the period of stay in the country, after which she was allowed to board the plane. She took off on Cebu Pacific Flight 5J-744 to Hanoi, Vietnam on the morning of June 9.

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