In Russia, a pensioner shot a woman and her daughter because of a trampled flowerbed (3 photos)

4 July 2024

After the massacre, the elderly shooter returned home and shot himself in the head.

A 75-year-old pensioner from the village of Stepnoy, Volgodonsk district, Rostov region, was very annoyed when he saw his neighbor’s dog running into his flowerbed through a hole in the fence. The dog dug holes and damaged plantings. He tried to talk to his neighbor, but she just waved him off. Finally, the grandfather’s patience came to an end, he went for a hunting rifle and set off to restore justice.

The pensioner shot his neighbor in the head, and she died on the spot. The daughter of the deceased, 42-year-old Alena, tried to take the gun from her distraught grandfather, but he shot her too. There was also a 13-year-old girl in the house, who, fortunately, managed to escape from the nightmare that was happening.

Having dealt with the offenders, the man returned to his home, after which he went into the garage and committed suicide.

According to local media, the grandfather was quite scandalous. “The reasons were different: loud guests in the yard, a dog that had gotten loose, or something else. The man repeatedly threatened his neighbors and threatened that he would kill their dog and then deal with them.” That ill-fated evening, he decided to kill the dog, but it ran away, and then the pensioner went to the neighbors. By the way, according to some information (unofficial), the gun from which the killer fired was not registered.

A criminal case was initiated on the grounds of the crime provided for in paragraph “a” of Part 2 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (murder). The child was left without a mother and grandmother, but it was possible to simply repair the hole in the fence.

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