In Krasnodar, a psychologist and energy coach burned herself near the Kuban Agrarian University (3 photos)

10 June 2024

She was engaged in spiritual enlightenment and helping “highly sensitive people.”

40-year-old Olga Tsvetkova lived in St. Petersburg and was engaged in some mysterious energy practices. She called herself a coach, psychologist, specialist in working out karmic relationships and writer. She didn’t seem to have any published books, but she had social networks with thousands of posts on karma, energy and enlightenment.

And yesterday a life coach was discovered in Krasnodar. How she ended up there is still being investigated. But it all ended very badly for her: she came to a vacant lot next to the Kuban State Agrarian University, undressed, doused herself with a flammable liquid and set herself on fire.

She did not leave a suicide note. There was no talk of suicide either. So the motives for suicide are still unknown.

The woman has nothing to do with us. The territory of the university is open to all citizens. Therefore, there is no possibility to foresee and prevent it,” said the press service of the university.

Incidents with this lady have happened before: last year she disappeared. Her relatives then sounded the alarm and contacted the police and Lisa Alert. A few weeks later Olga was found and everyone calmed down. She didn’t say where she disappeared. Now the remains of an energy coach have been found in a vacant lot.

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