There are more and more ecosexuals in America (4 photos + 2 videos)

11 June 2024

I'm glad that it's at least safe for others.

Americans' sex lives are becoming increasingly diverse. For several years now, a new direction in sex has been gaining popularity in the country. People suddenly discovered a sexual attraction to nature. Fortunately, the animals avoided this direction. Ecosexuals are delighted with inanimate nature - from plants, stones and even earth, reports OneDio.

The history of ecosexuality dates back to 2008. Then activists Beth Stevens and Annie Sprinkle arranged a wedding with the Earth, declaring that they loved nature. In the literal sense of the word.

The wedding was conceived as an art project, the purpose of which is to draw attention to the problems of nature. Then activists proposed loving nature with real love, taking care of it. Later there were people who said that they were aroused by nature.

As is often the case, over the years ecosexuality has been distorted to such an extent that it now looks more like a cult than a circle of nature lovers. In the USA, eco-sex people began to meet on the streets and make love with nature. In the literal sense of the word.

Modern ecosexuals are drawn to nature. They are excited by stones, trees, plants and even the earth. They rub their naked bodies against plants, lick the ground and hug trees. According to the theory of ecosexuals, they come into contact with the love energy of the planet, pass it through themselves and thus maintain balance. There are more than 100 thousand ecosexuals on Earth.

In the art space at Pony Express, Australia, you can try on a mask made of moss, touch flowers by putting a special small condom on your finger, lie surrounded by plants, breathe in the fog, and watch the latest “eco porn.”

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