In Russia, doctors saved a teenager who stuck about 30 magnets in his genitals (3 photos)

9 October 2024

A 13-year-old boy felt ill - only then did he seek medical help.

Adolescence is the most dangerous time in a boy's life. There's a lot of nonsense, but the ability to think before acting is a problem. A 13-year-old teenager from Lyubertsy shoved 30 magnetic balls into his urethra. Naturally, they stuck together in a long chain and blocked the duct. The boy couldn't pee, and he held it in for a long time, and when it became unbearable, he sought help from doctors.

Since the bladder could burst from overflow, the child was given a catheter while they were preparing for surgery. The surgeons removed the magnetic balls through an incision on the genitals and checked with a repeat X-ray to make sure there were no magnets left inside.

After that, the incision was stitched up, and the young researcher was sent for post-operative rehabilitation. Now everything is fine with the teenager. They saved both his genitals and bladder. Time will tell whether he will continue to conduct dangerous experiments with his own body. Doctors hope that he will come to his senses.

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