In Denmark, an artist staged a performance in which he decided to starve piglets to death (5 photos)

20 March 2025

So Marco Evaristti wants to draw public attention to the cruel treatment of animals. And to introduce people to vegetarianism.

Europe often surprises with its approach to art and ways of solving certain problems. Thus, in 2014, the entire normal public was shocked by the story of the killing of a one-and-a-half-year-old giraffe Marius in a Danish zoo. Zoo employees shot the animal with an air pistol, skinned the carcass and fed the meat to lions. The entire process was public and was observed by dozens of visitors.

And now artist Marco Evaristi has decided to hold a provocative exhibition in Denmark called "And Now You Care."

Marco Evaristi

In the heart of Denmark, Evaristi calls on the public to pay attention to the cruelty of modern pig farming in this Scandinavian country, where about 25,000 piglets die every day due to poor conditions.

The artist wants to achieve his goal in a very cruel way: by starving three piglets. The pigs are sitting in an improvised pen made from shopping carts.

They are not fed or given water. The room where the exhibition is taking place is hung with paintings depicting slaughtered pigs. Any visitor to the exhibition can stop the suffering of the animals in one monstrous way - by killing them.

The exhibition opened last Friday, and according to experts, the animals will not last long. Most likely, without food and water, they will die within a few days.

As reported by the media, social media users reacted angrily to the opening of this exhibition, questioning the artist's ethical and moral principles:

"This is a crime and it must be stopped NOW. Anyone in Copenhagen who can put a stop to this, but does not, is an accomplice."

"This is disgusting. Prove your point by doing something just as bad or even worse. Where is the artist's conscience? "

The Danish Animal Welfare Organization, the largest and oldest animal protection organization in the country, expressed mixed feelings about the performance:

"We completely understand the artist's indignation. But we do not agree that three piglets, three separate living beings, should be starved and deprived of water until they die from this. This is illegal and cruel to animals," said Birgitte Damm, a representative of the organization

And then the media reported a sensational theft: the installation was missing. Copenhagen was in an uproar, the public demanded that the animals be found. René Fredensborg, a well-known journalist, took up the investigation and found out that the piglets had returned to their previous farm. However, it remained a mystery who exactly returned them - the artist himself or animal rights activists.

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