Russian medics threw a patient out of the ambulance and came under investigation.

Category: Horrible video
17 June 2024

It is likely that, based on the results of the inspection, a criminal case will be filed against the doctors.

The incident occurred in the early morning of November 25. The ambulance team "dropped" the patient onto the roadway in one of the courtyards of Arkhangelsk. The man remained lying in the cold. Fortunately for the would-be doctors, 20 minutes later another ambulance arrived for the man.

“About 20 minutes later, another team arrived for a second call and took the patient home. Also, a few days later, doctors came to his house again; he did not need hospitalization,” the Ministry of Health of the Arkhangelsk Region reported.

The doctors who “dropped” the man in the cold stated in their defense that the patient was drunk and refused hospitalization. However, this did not save the employees of the medical institution from punishment. They were suspended from work. The issue of initiating a criminal case is now being decided.

“We can say on our own that the team’s actions do not comply with either medical standards or universal human principles. The employees have been suspended from work, and an investigation has already been initiated against them, including with the involvement of law enforcement agencies,” the ministry said.

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