A patient at a Russian hospital said that doctors ignored her moaning roommate all night

Category: Horrible video
27 January 2024
As a result, the pregnant girl had to look after the elderly woman herself.

A resident of Yaroslavl was admitted to Clinical Hospital No. 9. There she lay in a room with an elderly neighbor, who cried all night and asked for water. Neither the orderlies nor the doctors came.


Therefore, the girl carried water to her. And in the morning, a pregnant patient came across a nurse resting and smoking - she scolded her and kicked her out of the room.


Doctors cannot get away with this attitude towards their duties. As soon as the videos got online, the regional Ministry of Health soon became involved in the matter. The department said that the boorish nurse could be fired, and penalties were imposed on the “persons responsible for organizing the treatment process.”

Fines for the head physician and strengthening control over the activities of the hospital have not yet been announced.

The hospital administration conducted an internal investigation into this fact. Those responsible for organizing the treatment process are subject to administrative penalties. The issue of suitability for the position held is being resolved with the employee involved in this incident. The administration of the institution apologizes for such behavior.

There were no other complaints from patients. Probably only a pregnant girl had the courage to speak out against the hospital management. Or maybe others really don’t have any complaints and this was an isolated incident.

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