In Russia, an inadequate motorist attacked a deaf-mute taxi driver.

Category: Horrible video
19 April 2024

The aggressive driver was detained.

In Dmitrov, near Moscow, the driver of a Tank SUV attacked a deaf-mute taxi driver, who allegedly did not let him through and cut him off at an intersection. The incident occurred on March 8 in the area of the Planet cinema on Sovetskaya Street.

A taxi driver named Victoria came to pick up a client and stopped on the side of the road, suddenly an angry man ran up to her car, broke the glass with his fist and began hitting the uncomprehending woman in the face.

It is noted that the attacker was so angry that at first he did not understand that he was beating a woman who could not even call for help. When the eyewitness explained to him what he had done, the aggressor got into his car and drove away. However, after some time he returned and tried to resolve the issue without the police. And he even apologized.

"After striking, he saw that a girl was driving. The man ran into the car and abruptly drove away. A few minutes later, the culprit returned and wanted to settle the issue without the police. Thanks to caring eyewitnesses, we were able to collect video footage of the incident, and also call the police. The attacker detained,” said the victim’s husband.

The taxi driver suffered head bruises and cuts from flying glass. The regional prosecutor's office reported that a criminal case was opened against a 43-year-old man under the article "Hooliganism committed with violence."

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