The national complexes of the Japanese doomed whales to death (6 photos)

1 June 2024

Japan said it is now adding fin whales to its whaling list. Although the Japanese do not like to eat whale meat, the government even has to subsidize this fishery. It doesn't pay for itself


So why beat the whales?

It’s even strange that in Japan they don’t like whale meat; they even eat raw squid roe with sake. However, they have a decidedly negative view of the international outcry over the country's whaling industry.

- This is racism towards Japan! - they say. G – logic.

In 2018, Japan withdrew from the International Whaling Commission and returned to commercial hunting of northern minke, Bryde's and sei whales. Although even last year they did not reach the allocated quota of 379 whales.

Whales swim quite close to the shores of Hokkaido, you don’t even need to swim anywhere

And although we didn’t reach the quota, we decided to add fin whales to the list for hunting! And this is the second largest animal on Earth. The final decision on whether they will be killed and in what quantities will be made in July. Although everyone says that “the process is formal, and there is practically no doubt about the final decision.”

Why don't the Japanese need these whales themselves?

By the way, whalers often work in family clans.

The most whales eaten... was in 1962! Then the Japanese ate 233,000 tons. But in the last year, only 3,000 tons or less were eaten. Just compare!

And at the same time, for a long time, whale meat was literally “shoved” into the Japanese, making it part of the government food supply in schools. They also tried to make their whale dog and cat food.

But still, whaling is wildly subsidized, with 5 billion yen poured into it every year. But he is constantly trying to find ways to increase the profitability of the fishery, and not stop it. After all, there is no way to awaken consumer interest.

They don’t have time to reach the quota of 300 whales, they get even more upset

Fishermen say that the point is not even that the Japanese do not need whale meat. The point is that no one likes being told what to do. Previously, there were no problems with whale hunting, but now the entire world community is hypocritically concerned about it.

And the Japanese government, out of principle, does not want to close the industry at all. Take one step back and the world will begin to dictate that you can no longer eat sushi or live octopus.

There are whale signs on the machines so that you don’t make a mistake and pass by

Giving in to external pressure is against the Japanese cultural code, as Izumi Tsuji, a sociologist and professor at Tokyo Chuo University, says (it sounds terribly ironic about “disobedience to external pressure”).

While the government is fighting for its right to kill whales, young people frankly don’t care about them. They are not used to such dishes and meat, and the restaurants do not offer anything tasty.

The mayor in a WHALE cap solemnly opens a vending machine selling whale meat.

New whale meat vending machines recently opened in Japan to try to revive the industry amid falling demand. A purely Japanese solution, the locals love automatic machines!

It is not very clear why the popularity of whale meat has declined so much. It’s unlikely that it’s not tasty, I’ve only tried shark - it’s ok. Probably still a little expensive. Reduce the price - they will eat you with bones!

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