The mother of two children made the thief cry who encroached on her property

Category: Horrible video
19 July 2024

The desperate woman first tried to pull off the robber's balaclava to take a photo of his face, and then entered into a duel with him.

A 31-year-old mother of two from the UK was brought to tears by a man who tried to steal her motorbike parked outside Hatters Way Retail Park.

The woman, who did not want to give her name, was just leaving the store when she saw a gang of three men trying to steal her vehicle. Without being confused, she jumped on her back and knocked one of them to the ground. The other accomplices, surprised by such desperate resistance, became frightened and quickly ran away.

“I am a single mother of two children, and I will protect what is mine at all costs,” the British woman, who has a black belt in taekwondo, shouted across the parking lot.

She first tried to pull off the robber's balaclava to take a photo of his face, and then entered into a duel with him. The fight lasted about ten minutes, after which the enemy suddenly burst into tears.

“He asked for his life to be spared. He said that he was forced to take this step. I no longer had enough strength, and the police did not come for too long,” the mother recalls, explaining her decision to let the criminal go.

The British woman says she is extremely dissatisfied with the actions of the police. She tried to stop a patrol car that was passing by, but law enforcement officers refused to help her and drove away, citing another call.

Fortunately, there were no casualties or serious injuries as a result of the incident.

“I was lucky that they didn’t have weapons. I hope that by my example I will inspire others to fight back against the criminals,” the victim noted.

The police are now carrying out investigative actions, in particular checking recordings from CCTV cameras. The investigation into the crime continues.

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