A man with a machete attacked a passerby in London

Category: Horrible video
3 June 2024

Residents of London filmed the conflict on a busy road in central London. The motorist first used his car as a battering ram, trying to hit pedestrians, and then got out and took a machete from the trunk.

The shocking scene was filmed on Edgware Road in London. The footage shows that the motorist first uses his car as a battering ram and tries to knock down (or intimidate) pedestrians. Then two men try to get to the car to stop this madness. In response, the angry car owner gets out and takes a machete from the trunk, starting to attack one of the men.

The screams of terrified people can be heard in the background of the video. Other passers-by tried to intervene, but were forcefully pushed away. Then, according to eyewitnesses, the man attacked other passers-by with a machete. This, by the way, is not the first such case of attack with a machete in London. In 2023, the UK authorities have already officially banned dangerous types of bladed weapons, including machetes and knives based on zombie films, due to an increase in violence. However, lawless people continue to use them, despite the ban.

“This is too much. The streets are unsafe. Complete lawlessness,” one commentator wrote under the video.

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