In Russia, a dog attacked a child who was riding a scooter

Category: Horrible video
10 July 2024

The boy was left with wounds from the bite.

A surveillance camera on an intercom filmed the moment a dog attacked a child in one of the courtyards of Novosibirsk. The attack happened on November 24. The footage shows a boy riding a scooter out of the entrance and riding it onto the playground. There was just a husky dog ​​on a leash. The six-year-old boy apparently ignored the dog and rode past it at speed on his scooter. Then the dog jumped up and bit the child’s hand.

The dog was quickly pulled away by eyewitnesses, but the boy still required medical attention. The prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation. It is clarified that there are signs in the yard prohibiting dog walking. The boy's relatives said that he was emotionally depressed and it would take two months for him to recover:

“Physically, it’s better. We worked with him for a very long time so that in the future he would not be afraid of dogs or going for walks. I began to sleep very restlessly at night.”

In turn, the dog’s owners demanded that the boy’s parents reimburse the costs of the dog handler: the dog, according to them, was very scared.

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