Two children were injured due to a fight between men in Russia

Category: Horrible video
12 June 2024

In Perm, two men disagreed on something and started talking in a raised voice. Soon the verbal altercation escalated into a fight. However, the children of one of the participants in the conflict suffered the most.

Perm residents staged a showdown in front of small children. As a result, the kids got more than the adults. The man in red pants literally knocked out the girl in his opponent’s arms, and then kicked the boy who was trying to stand up for his dad.

It all happened in the Vyshka-2 microdistrict. The two men got into an argument. The first to show aggression was the comrade in red pants. He tried to hit his opponent with his head and then with his hand, but missed and hit the child with his fist. His father dropped him on the asphalt. The fight continued. In the process, the baby was also hit and walked around in fear. The men were separated by passers-by.

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