In Odessa, a 20-year-old policewoman was washed away by a wave into the sea

Category: Horrible video
9 June 2024

Divers are looking for the girl's body

On Sunday, June 2, a 20-year-old police officer from the city of Rovno, who was vacationing in Odessa, was washed away by a wave into the Black Sea. Divers are now searching for the girl's body.

It is noted that the girl was off duty, in her free time, on vacation.

On the evening of June 2, she decided to take a photo on the pier as a souvenir of her stay in the city. At this time, the first wave knocked her off her feet, the second washed her into the sea.

A search for the girl's body is now underway with the involvement of State Emergency Service divers.

Investigators entered information on the grounds of Part 1 of Art. into the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations. 115 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine with the note “missing.”

Rescuers once again urged people not to visit the beaches, since there are no officially designated swimming areas in the region yet.

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