A man fell from the twentieth floor during a fire in Yekaterinburg

Category: Horrible video
3 June 2024

It is noted that firefighters were unable to begin rescuing the man for a long time because of cars parked under the windows.

A fire broke out in an apartment on the top floor of a 21-story high-rise building on Soyuznaya Street in Yekaterinburg at noon, May 7. During the fire, two men were in different rooms in the apartment. To escape the smoke, they climbed out onto the balcony.

Firefighters were unable to begin rescuing them for a long time because of the cars parked outside the windows. One of the fire victims did not receive help and fell down while trying to go down to the floor below to his neighbors.

The second man was luckier. Rescuers lowered a fire hose from the roof for him, through which he was able to go down to the floor below. He stood on the air conditioner, broke a window with the hose socket and climbed into his neighbor’s apartment on the 20th floor.

The causes of the fire are unknown, but the man who survived said that the day before they had been drinking with the owner of the apartment, or rather, the tenant, who fell down. The apartment, by the way, was rented out on a daily basis.

“The apartment belongs to a man who fell out, he rented it. I met him the night before at the Shangri-La restaurant. The waiter Denis introduced us, and the four of us went to see him [the apartment’s tenant]. There was him, his girlfriend, me and Denis. I drank, and the owner mostly used powders,” the man said.

As eyewitnesses said, the man who fell from the window fell onto the canopy of the store, but rescuers and doctors could not reach him for half an hour.

“There were a lot of cars standing there – firefighters and intensive care units. When the man fell on the roof, the doctors and firefighters stood for 20-30 minutes, waiting for a ladder to be brought. A neighbor from the sixth floor shouted to them that the guy was alive,” said an eyewitness.

According to the latest data, a man who fell from the 20th floor died in intensive care. Emergency Situations Ministry employees are investigating the cause of the fire. An operational headquarters was set up on the spot.

The media writes that the prosecutor's office will also give a legal assessment of compliance with the requirements of federal legislation, including fire safety standards, as well as the adoption of measures for unhindered passage of specialized equipment to the apartment building.

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