Gasoline shower. The girls had a candid photo shoot at a gas station

Category: Horrible video
27 May 2024

In Bali, two Russian models are being sought for a half-naked photo shoot at a gas station - the babes poured fuel on themselves and flashed their Batman boots all over the street. The ladies are facing deportation.

One of them climbed onto her roof, sat comfortably there and began to pour water from a gas nozzle at the girl who remained below. Under this peculiar gasoline shower, the model took very piquant poses. I'm not sure they realized the level of their luck, because there are a lot of people who smoke in Indonesia.

Ipda Putu Sukarma, Badung Police Public Relations Officer, confirmed that upon learning of the viral video, officers began an investigation. According to information received from the owner of Pertamini, he was initially only asked to take photographs and was given permission. "Sifaudin, the owner of the gas station, said the woman asked to take a photo with his Pertamini. She also showed some photos from her mobile phone," Ipda said. Having received the consent of the owner of Pertamini, the woman left, but returned a few minutes later with two girlfriends in bikinis, who acted as models.

During the enchanting show, the owner tried to drive away the unruly models, but they ignored his calls. In the end, the photo shoot ended, but the roof of the gas station was damaged. For this, Sifaudin managed to take 300k from them.

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