The “acid maniac” from the Moscow region was put in a pre-trial detention center

Category: Horrible video
10 May 2024

He denied his guilt, then admitted everything.

On Friday, the Internet was rocked by news about an idiot who was throwing acid on women. He was operating in Monino near Moscow and managed to attack two ladies. They have chemical burns of varying severity. The maniac splashed poisonous rubbish in the eyes of one victim.

It hit the eyes specifically. There are burns all over my face. Everything is visible on the cameras. Her hands are also burnt, the victim said.

Another girl had chemicals poured on her legs. She was lucky that during the attack, a pensioner intervened and scared off the maniac. That's why he poured the liquid on his clothes and not on his face. At first, the victim didn’t even understand what happened:

My daughter said that she got into something and her leg was burning. I took off my pants, they were all corroded by a red chemical substance. I started washing her leg from this chemistry. When I managed to wash it off, I realized that these were chemical burns,” said her mother.

Soon the inappropriate person was detained; he is a 31-year-old local resident. At one time he worked as an engineer in a laboratory and taught radio engineering at a college. Along the way, I became interested in chemistry. Now they are establishing the composition with which he doused the women and finding out the motives of the citizen. Probably, not everything is in order with his head - he will also have to undergo a psychological and psychiatric examination.

At the first interrogation, he refused, but quickly split. He is charged with Part 2 of Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Hooliganism”. The first victim's eyes are damaged, she can see almost nothing and is in the hospital. Therefore, we are talking about causing grievous harm to health, and this means up to 8 years in a colony. Now the maniac is in jail.

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