A Russian ninth-grader imagined himself to be a gangster and shot a man in the face with a gas pistol

Category: Horrible video
7 June 2024

Several seconds passed from the start of the conflict to the shooting.

A shooting occurred in the Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg. It was arranged by a 17-year-old guy and for no reason. It started with a group of young people coming out of the entrance where two men were standing.

As the victim later claimed, the young man asked him: “What, are you looking for a bookmark?”, then he took out a Patriot aerosol pistol and fired three times. Two rounds missed the target, one hit the man in the forehead. He later went to the doctors with a bruise and a chemical burn to his face.

The teenager ran away, but the next day he came to the police and confessed everything. It turned out that he already had a “background”: he was convicted of theft, his freedom of action was limited and special requirements for behavior were established. As you can see, it didn't help.

The guy was detained, and the issue of initiating a criminal case is now being decided.

And another shooting from St. Petersburg, only this time with the participation of a former candidate for deputy of the legislative assembly. He disagreed with the passing driver and kicked his car. And when he went out to the showdown with a knife in his hand, he was shot from a traumatized weapon. Later, a report was drawn up against both of them for petty hooliganism, and the ex-candidate wrote a statement against the offender. There may be a criminal case.

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