What a jerk!: In Gelendzhik, two women fought in line at a safari park.

Category: Horrible video
19 June 2024

On the occasion of the holiday, women were allowed into the zoo for free, but on a first-come, first-served basis. Two madams put on a show in front of the entrance, and some visitors remembered this spectacle more than the visit to the park itself.

A few days before the holiday, the safari park in Gelendzhik announced a promotion: all women could go to the zoo without paying. True, the gift ticket still had to be taken at the box office. It would seem like such a small thing, but for a couple of representatives of the fair sex this nuance really ruined the mood.

According to local media, a schoolboy approached one of the women and asked her to let him through to his mother, who was standing higher on the steps. Madame, apparently, was not in a good mood, or maybe she thought that the cunning boy wanted to go forward without the queue, because instead of an adequate answer, she threw the contents of a glass of coffee directly into the child’s face, and then shoved him. The boy began to cry, and his mother immediately got into a fight.

Carefully! Fight scenes!

Other visitors who were also standing in line had to break up the fighting ladies. The fight for women's rights is sometimes ugly. Or maybe it's all about the freebies?

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