A guy jumps into a crowd of special forces beating his father.

Category: Horrible video
6 June 2024

In the Kyrgyz city of Kochkor-Ata, Liu Kang, taking advantage of the moment, jumped into a crowd of special forces from a running start, protecting his father. Video of the incident quickly went viral on social media.

The Department of Internal Affairs of the Jalal-Abad region reported that they had previously been contacted by a private security officer. The man asked to take action against the citizens who threw stones and bricks at him and beat him with sticks. The forty-year-old hooliganism suspect was repeatedly invited to see the investigator, but he did not come.

“On March 27, he was detained in Kochkor-Ata. During the arrest, the suspect resisted, so force was used against him, and his 18-year-old son kicked the police officers. The suspect of hooliganism was placed in a temporary detention facility,” informs the Department of Internal Affairs.

A relative of the detainee, Aigul Nurkamilova, said that a conflict began between the siblings many years ago over a local market. Recently there was a fight involving private security, and the parties wrote statements against each other.

"The brothers have been suing over the market for 20 years. The police say that the victim did not come to the investigator, but this is a lie: he did not even know that an investigation was being carried out. The son who intervened in the arrest process was also severely beaten - his whole head is bruised, he is now lying in the hospital. We contacted the prosecutor's office regarding unlawful actions of the police," Nurkamilova said.

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