“Do you think you did a courageous act?”: in Switzerland, Chechens beat a compatriot athlete because of her sportswear and “unfeminine” behavior (2 photos + 1 video)
Category: Terrible (all news), News from the world
15 June 2024
The girl was attacked from behind by five Chechens, dissatisfied with her tracksuit. Because even if you live in Switzerland, wear a skirt and a headscarf.
Aminat Elbukaeva lives in Switzerland and is a professional boxer. The other day, a girl was attacked by her compatriots. Five men attacked the athlete from behind, twisted her and kicked her. While she was being brutally beaten, they said greetings from a certain Kasim - apparently the initiator of the attack.
Aminat published a video in which she, with a bloodied face, addresses the mothers of her offenders and says that she will not leave the attack unpunished.
The girl was diagnosed with broken ribs and a concussion, but she says she got off lightly. She simply resisted, and she turned out to be strong. Anyone else in her place would have been much less fortunate in this mess.

The complaints of the fellow countrymen were traditional: he is engaged in a non-female sport, and even trains in shorts! What a disgrace! The Chechen woman was warned that she needed to behave according to accepted customs, but she ignored the nagging, which she repeatedly stated on the pages of her social networks.

After all, living in Switzerland, it seemed to her that she could not listen to the advice of her fellow countrymen. It turned out, as in that saying, you can take the girl out of the village, but you cannot take the village out of the girl. Those. if you are Chechen, the Sharia police will find you in any corner of the world and “produce you for your clothes.”
And, by the way, some comments under the athlete’s video message confirm this. They say, don’t try to change the mentality of our men - it won’t work.
Elbukaeva later reported that the police detained the people she contacted while trying to leave the country. Because you may be a fellow countryman, but beating women in Switzerland is still punishable by law.