In Uzbekistan teacher beats boy for asking to teach a lesson in Russian

Category: Horrible video
30 October 2024

The teacher was furious with the child's remark, for this she can only be fined.

A teacher distinguished herself in School 188 in Tashkent. She taught the entire lesson in Uzbek. The piquant thing is that it was a Russian-language class, and the woman taught the children Russian.

One of the students asked her to switch to Russian - actually, this is logical. But the lady got furious and attacked the boy. She grabbed him by the throat, pinned him against the blackboard, and hit his head against it several times. Then she also gave him a powerful slap.

A clearer, but shortened recording of the incident:

And a full one:

Naturally, the boy later told his parents everything and they contacted the local police officer. The school principal behaved strangely - when they asked her to show the recordings from the camera in the classroom, she said that she was busy at the moment and could not do it. And the teacher was working there for the first day and had not yet passed the probationary period. Then the boy's mother called the rowdy teacher, and she allegedly said that their country was for Uzbeks, and the rest - let them leave.

Then the head of the school administration finally agreed to show the recording of the beating. And, already having evidence in hand, the student's parents contacted the prosecutor's office.

It got even more interesting: the department said that the director of the educational institution could only be given a warning. And the rowdy teacher would be fined under an administrative article. And that's it.

Although the scandal went beyond the school and the local ombudsman for children's rights drew attention to it. This may not greatly affect the course of the case, but at least it will not be hushed up.

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