Rescue of a driver from a car that fell into a river

Category: Horrible video
1 August 2024

In the Chinese city of Chengdu, the driver lost control and crashed into a barrier, after which the vehicle fell into the river. Witnesses rushed to help the man.

Local resident Jiao Dayin was passing by when he noticed the dangerous situation and acted quickly. He threw off his clothes, grabbed a life preserver and dived into the stormy river. The young man was then joined by another concerned citizen, Wang Hui. Armed with a large stone, he jumped into the river and swam towards the car. Showing coordination and courage, rescuers, after several attempts, broke the car window and pulled out the driver. Together, they tried to swim to the shore, but encountered new difficulties while navigating the slippery, sloping bank of the Jin River. Luckily, other bystanders formed a human chain and worked together to successfully bring everyone to safety on land. After the medical examination, the rescued driver expressed his sincere gratitude to Jiao Daying, Wang Hui and everyone who participated in the rescue operation.

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