A company car collapsed on a traffic police officer during demonstration performances in the Moscow region

Category: Horrible video
30 July 2024

We can say that the traffic cop escaped with a slight fright.

Demonstration performances by traffic police officers in Ivanteevka near Moscow almost ended in tragedy. One of the drivers of a company car balancing on two wheels dropped the vehicle directly on a colleague whom he was supposed to pass over.

“During a demonstration of professional skills at the Professional Training Center of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, an accident occurred. As a result, one of the employees was injured. He was provided with medical assistance. Currently there are no threats to his life and health,” they reported in the press service of the capital's headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


The traffic inspector was taken from the event by ambulance. 48-year-old Alexey was diagnosed with a broken leg, dislocated fingers and abrasions on his back. Now the man is in a departmental hospital, his life is not in danger.


It is known that the fatal act was performed by the Cascade aerobatic team, which consists of active traffic police officers.

“It [the aerobatic team] was created on the initiative of the Deputy Chief of Police, Head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, Major General of Police Viktor Kovalenko. And not at all for show performances, although this is important. But to improve the level of professional training of personnel Moscow State Traffic Inspectorate. By the way, the team consists exclusively of current employees of the second specialized traffic police battalion on the special highway." - says the departmental newspaper "Petrovka 38".

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